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General Rules

Section 1. The types of competition shall be as follows:

1.1 Free sparring (Point, Team or Continuous)
1.2 Forms/patterns (Traditional, Free Style or Team)
1.3 Weapons (Traditional &/or Free Style)
1.4 Breaking
1.5 Self Defense

1.5.1. The tournament director may choose to use any of the types of competition in his tournament. If he uses one of them he must use the rules governing that type of competition.

1.5.2 The Tournament Director shall not enter into competition in his/her own tournament.

1.5.3    Due to our insurance, no one but competitors and ring officials are allowed in the competition area. All spectators must remain out of the competition area.

Section 2. The age limits for the various divisions shall be:

    2.1    Junior:            4-15
    2.2    Young Adult:        16-18
    2.3    Adult:            19-35
    2.4    Senior:            36-50
    2.5    Exec. Sr.        51 & up

Athletes age 51 and older may compete as Adults, Seniors, or Executives, but may not compete in more than one age division. The Junior division only will compete for Youth Grand Champion. The Young Adult, Adult, Sr., & Exec. Sr. divisions will compete for the Adult Forms Grand Champion. The Adult, Sr. & Exec. Sr. divisions will compete for the Adult Sparring Grand Champion.

Section 3. Uniform 

    3.1    All contestants must wear a clean uniform that is traditional to their style or school. The sleeves should be 3/4 or extend below the elbows. The pants must extend below the knees. No shorts, T-shirts or capped sleeves.

3.2 The cuff of the pant cannot be rolled but must be hemmed to eliminate tripping.

Section 4. Protective Equipment

4.1 Mandatory Sparring Equipment

4.1.1 All competitors must wear headgear, hand pads, foot pads & mouth guard. Male competitors must also wear groin cup and supporter. Headgear may include a facemask. Dipped foam or vinyl pads are highly recommended & the use of cloth style pads will be allowed. Pads are to be free of repairs that could cause injury. Boxing/Bag gloves will not be allowed. The groin cup must be worn under the uniform.

4.1.2 The competitor will be given two (2) minutes to obtain or replace the necessary equipment or he/she will forfeit the match.

4.2 Optional Equipment

4.2.1 Competitors may wear cloth shin & forearm pads and chest.

4.2.2 It is recommended that female competitors wear some kind of chest & groin protection to prevent injury.

Section 5. Personal Requirements

Competitors shall keep their nails cut short and are forbidden to wear any metallic article. During sparring competition wedding rings must be taped unless covered by pads.

5.1 Personal Hygiene.

5.1.1 The personal hygiene of all competitors shall be of the highest standard. Any competitor wearing an excessively unkempt or dirty uniform will be required to change it immediately (within two minutes). If the competitor cannot or will not comply, the referee shall declare the opponent the winner. T-shirts should be tucked in and be neat, presentable & clean.

5.2 Eyeglasses

5.2.1 It is highly recommended that only 'sport' eyeglasses will be allowed in sparring competition. Soft contacts are highly recommended. Ask competitor if they can see without their glasses. If so, ask to remove.

5.3 Drugs



5.3.1 The administration or use of any drugs (except antibiotics or other medically prescribed therapeutics), alcohol, stimulants, or injections in any part of the body, either before or during a match, to or by any contestant is absolutely prohibited. Any contestant violating this rule will be disqualified.

5.3.2 The use of any of the above mentioned drugs by any of the tournament officials is strictly prohibited. Any official found to be under the influence of one of these drugs will be immediately replaced.

5.4 Metal Knee Braces

5.4.1 Will be allowed if all metal parts have been padded for safety.

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