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Section 11. Rules & Regulations for Traditional Forms (Poom-se, Kata) Competition

11.1 Divisions

11.1.1 The number and type of divisions of competition shall be left up to each individual tournament director. (Referee does not have authority to split divisions.) The tournament director has the right to expand or condense the divisions as he/she desires.


11.2 Merits

11.2.1 Merit will be awarded on the basis of beauty, grace, rhythm, focus, power, breathing and technique.

11.2.2 Judges will not judge on the technical correctness of the pattern.


11.3 Judging Procedure

11.3.1    Points shall be awarded on a scale of 6.0 to 9.9 in tenth of a point (.1) increments, 6.0 being the lowest score for a completed pattern. In colored belt competition, the score will be from 6.0 to 8.0 with 7.0 as the ‘average’ score awarded. In Black Belt competition, the score will be from 8.0 to 9.9 with 9.0 as the average score.

11.3.2 Judges shall display the score of each competitor by use of flash cards.

11.3.3 The highest and lowest score shall be thrown out and the remaining three scores added to compute ‘total score’. (Only if 5 or more judges.) In the case of a tie, the lowest score shall be added back to break the tie. If still tied, the highest score shall then be added back as well. If this procedure fails to break the tie, then both competitors shall repeat their form. All judges will then point to the competitor of their choice.
11.3.4 Colored belts will be allowed to restart their forms once with no penalty. Black Belts will not be allowed a restart.

11.3.5 The computation of the total score on the score sheet shall be recorded by an assigned official and each division’s sheet shall be signed by the respective center referee & judges.


11.4 Recognized Forms

11.4.1 Competitors in this division must exhibit a form that reflects the essence and traditional values of the division in which they are competing. The form does not have to be a classic form handed down over the years, but should not deviate too far in form and content from the style of classical form.

11.4.2 Competitors exhibiting forms that are too free, having gymnastics (flips, splits, etc.) or other non Martial Arts techniques in them or comprised of elements from more than one style of martial art should enter the Free Style Forms competition. Otherwise the competitor risks being downgraded or disqualified.

11.4.3 All competitors must perform only those patterns respective to their rank (i.e., yellow belt may not perform red belt pattern. First Dan may not do 3rd Dan pattern.) The competitor may, however, perform that pattern he/she is currently learning for next promotional testing.

11.4.4 Competitors will be required to perform the same form in Grand Champion competition that they used to qualify in their division.


11.5 Competitors may enter both Traditional & Free Style competition, but only competitors in the Traditional forms competition will compete for Grand Champion Forms.


Section 12. Rules & Regulations for Free Style Forms Competition

The Free Style forms division will use forms that are a derivative of a traditional style form or more than one classical form done in combination. Gymnastic techniques are allowed, however, they must not be used as the main criteria for judging.


12.1 Divisions

12.1.1 The number and type of divisions of competition shall be left up to each individual tournament director. (Referee does not have authority to split divisions.)


12.2 Merit

12.2.1 Basics Speed, rhythm, focus, power, breathing, kihahp and balance. 

12.2.2 Degree of Difficulty The degree of difficulty of kicks, hand techniques, stances & gymnastics is judged.

12.2.3 Entertainment The form should to be dynamic and entertaining with showmanship and creativity.

12.2.4 Perfection of Techniques Techniques should be viable self defense martial arts techniques.

12.2.5 Time No performance can exceed four (4) minutes from start to finish.

12.2.6 Music All music to be played in a performance must be provided by and set up by the competitor. Any equipment needed for the performance will be provided by the competitor. The music to be played in a performance must be loud enough for the judges to hear so as a proper score can be given.


12.3 Judging Procedure

12.3.1 The procedure for judging the Free Style forms will be the same as used in the Traditional forms competition.

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