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Section 1. Training

1.1 Timekeeper/scorekeeper

1.1.1 All HMAL Timekeepers/scorekeepers shall be required to attend a rules seminar and pass a test on the HMAL Competition Rules.

1.1.2 All HMAL Timekeeper/scorekeepers must maintain a Class IV certification rating.

1.1.3 Minimum age - 13 yrs.


1.2 Judges 

1.2.1 All HMAL judges shall be required to attend a rules seminar and pass a test on the HMAL Competition Rules.

1.2.2 All HMAL Judges must maintain a Class III certification rating.

1.2.3 Minimum rank - 2nd Gup.

1.2.4 Minimum age - 15 years

1.3 Referee

1.3.1 All HMAL referees shall be required to attend a rules seminar and pass a test on the HMAL Competition Rules and procedures.

1.3.2 All referees must maintain a Class II certification rating.

1.3.3 Minimum rank - 2nd Degree Black Belt or 3-5 years experience as a referee.

1.3.4 Minimum age - 19 years


1.4 Mediators

1.4.1 All HMAL Mediators will be required to attend a rules seminar and pass a test on the HMAL Competition rules and procedures.

1.4.2 All HMAL Mediators must maintain a Class I certification rating.

1.4.3 Minimum rank - 3rd Degree Black Belt or 8 years experience as judge & referee.

1.4.4 Minimum age - 25 years. 

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